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The base builder class now has a new property: 'DynamicDefinition'.
By default, the property is false, in which case any screen containing the corresponding control is unaffected.
Whenever a screen contains a control which has the dynamic definition property set to true, it will be automatically excluded from the build.
This has been introduced for custom controls, where the definition changes during runtime.
As such, it is up to the developer of the custom control to decide whether it is dynamic at runtime or only at design-time.

Clearing the cache

When screen changes are made in an environment where caching is enabled and the screen has been cached, the changes won't be visible.
For this, the clear cache functionality is available by calling the business entity method 'ClearCache' of 'Akioma.Swat.Repository.Cache.RepositoryCacheEntity'.
The method accepts a Consultingwerk.CharacterHolder parameter, which is used as a 'MATCHES' pattern to identify all the cached definitions that need to be removed.
Below is a sample on how to clear the whole cache by calling the method with the '*' pattern:


Consultingwerk.OERA.ServiceInterface:FetchDataset(Akioma.Swat.Repository.Cache.DatabaseRepositoryCacheService:CacheBusinessEntity, DATASET-HANDLE hDataset).
Consultingwerk.OERA.ServiceInterface:InvokeMethod(Akioma.Swat.Repository.Cache.DatabaseRepositoryCacheService:CacheBusinessEntity, "ClearCache", DATASET-HANDLE hDataset, NEW Consultingwerk.CharacterHolder("*")).