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To make use of the handle system, the application's tables need to be registered in the framework.
For that the buildTableDefinition, the Akioma/Swat/Util/buildTableDefinitionFile.p procedure has been provided to the uimplemented to register the tables of a given database.
The procedure accepts 4 parameters:

Parameter nameTypeDescription
pcSourceFileCHARACTERA file containing the serialized representation of a dataset containing the currently registered tables.
The dataset is the one defined in Akioma/Swat/System/dsTableDefinition.i.
Can also point to a non-existing file, in which case it will be ignored.
pcTargetFileCHARACTERA valid location in the file system, where the result of the procedure will be exported to an XML file.
The resulting file, similar to the source file, will be the XML serialization of the dsTableDefinition dataset.
pcDatabaseListCHARACTERA comma-separated list of databases which will be processed.
If unknown or empty, it will be ignored and it will import the first database in the connection list.

An integer signifying the hexadecimal representation of the first available ID.
If unknown, it will automatically start the count past the SWAT-reserved IDs.
Because of this, it is recommended that any calls to the procedure are done with the unknown value for this parameter.

titleSample call

RUN Akioma/Swat/Util/buildTableDefinitionFile.p("D:/Temp/source.xml", "D:/Temp/target.xml", ?, ?).