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  • Formatting was changed.


The ‘extendedFormat’ attribute has the following format: ‘format|groupSep|decSep’ decSep|maxLength’ (e.g. 0,000.00|’|,|6).

The format must always use as separators the ‘,’ for groups and the ‘.’ for decimals. The format specifies the number of digits in a group and the number of digits for the decimal part. Examples:


            +0,000.00|-|,  - will allow a user to enter only positive values

The maxLength parameter is optional and it limits the number of digits allowed to be entered before the decimal separator. if it's not specified, there is no limitation. 

  • 0,000.00|-|,|4 - specifying all fields (e.g. 1234,567 -> 1-234,56)
  • 0,000.00|-|,|6 - specifying all fields (e.g. 123421,567 -> 123-421,56)

isCurrency attribute

The default currency symbol is the one specified in the PASOE configuration file in the following field: app.sessionData.mainCurrencySymbol
