Page tree

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PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-2951Fixed an issue where the WaitCursor wasn't removed when the "Cancel" action was triggered.Done
MediumSWAT-2944Updated the return AD authentication with extra information: sAMAccountName, sAMAccountName@Given-Domain, userPrincipalNameDone
MediumSWAT-2937The checked attribute for the Toogle object was fixed and now works properly, returning the correct value (true/false) for the toogle object. It can be used also as a setter or as a getter. The isChecked attribute still remains as a getter, for backwards copatibility.Done
MediumSWAT-2935Now is available the getData() CLAPI method to for providing data from the
MediumSWAT-2934New CLAPI methods are available for the Grid object:
  • getCellByRowAndCol
  • getColIndexById
  • handleProperties
  • addClass / removeClass
Check CLAPI documentation for details.
MediumSWAT-2933New CLAPI functions are available for the panel object:
  • hideHeader() - will hide the panel`s header
  • showHeader() - will show the panel`s header
  • setHeight(x) - sets the height of the panel
  • setMinHeight(x) - sets the min-height of the panel
  • expand() - expands the panel
  • collapse() - collapses the panel
MediumSWAT-2932Added new CLAPI methods for getting the top- and bottommost window: getBottommostWindow() and getTopmostWindow().Done
MediumSWAT-2931You can use the CLAPI method title() to get the window title. Ex: windowObj.title()Done
MediumSWAT-2930progressOn and progressOff functions are now available in CLAPI for the panel object.Done
MediumSWAT-2929In order to get the state (enabled/disabled) of a field inside a form, you can use the CLAPI method formObj.getFormFieldEnabled('myfield'). In this example "formObj" is the typescript object of the form which contains a field named myfield.Done
MediumSWAT-2928Added new CLAPI function to set readonly attribute of scheduler:
  • oScheduler.controller.setReadonly(true)
  • oScheduler.controller.setReadonly(false)
  • oScheduler.controller.setReadonly() ---> default value is false
MediumSWAT-2927Added a new CLAPI method getFormData() for returning an object containing the form dataDone
MediumSWAT-2926CLAPI functions for handling the title and tooltip of the ribbon items are now available:
  • oRibbon.controller.getItemText('ribbonItemName')
  • oRibbon.controller.setItemText('ribbonItemName', 'new text here')
  • oRibbon.controller.getItemToolTip('ribbonItemName')
  • oRibbon.controller.setItemToolTip('ribbonItemName', 'new tooltip here')
MediumSWAT-2924For enabling / disabling form items from CLAPI, you can use enableFormField('name') and disableFormField('name') methods.Done
MediumSWAT-2923Added read-only fields validation to AkiomaBusinessEntity during SaveChanges to modified records. Added AddReadOnlyFields method which takes a fieldList as a parameter (a comma separated entry list string) and appends them to the read-only fields. By default, the validation is disabled. In order to use it, you can call e.g. AddReadOnlyFields("SelfHdl") in your BE constructor.Done
LowestSWAT-2921Improvements to saveToServer and logoutUserProfile functions.Done
LowestSWAT-2904Enhancements and small refactoring in the Authentication process.Done
MediumSWAT-2896Cleanup setCallbacks in swatcustom / virtualViewer.Done
LowestSWAT-2887Removed hardcoded cellIndex when calling setCellExcellType in akioma.repositoryDone
MediumSWAT-2878Enhanced the refresh scheme with ignore linked data parameter. Added 3 new options/params in the refresh scheme definition: AddSkipRefresh, UpdateSkipRefresh and RemoveSkipRefresh.
These params are a comma separated list of table names which will be ignored/skipped upon refresh. Wildcards still work for the skipRefresh lists. If the developer want's to skip all, he/she can add * (star/asterisk).
See updated documentation
LowSWAT-2821Enhanced the generic login screen with login trigger on 'enter' keypress and error messages. When pressing the enter key the login button is triggered. If multiple login options are available (Login, LoginAD, etc.), the first available Login button is triggered.Done
HighSWAT-2806All filter-maintenance functionality (create new filter, save filter, rename filter, make default filter, delete filter) is now available also as individual menu-functions directly in the grid-panelheader-toolbar, not only through the filter-maintenance window.Done
MediumSWAT-2787The object master name is now visible in layout and form designer. If you click on it, it will open the object master in external screen.Done
MediumSWAT-2779Multiple improvements for the RichText editor.Done
MediumSWAT-2757Authentication using AppDirect is now available.Done
MediumSWAT-2753For the DocViewer, the domains restricting from where the files can be accessed are now configurable from the config.js file. If nothing is specified, the default domain is
MediumSWAT-2715Improved performance in loading nodes of treeGrids objects.Done
MediumSWAT-2343Implemented page attributes inheritance from parent window to child windows.Done
