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Code Block
.dhx_cell_layout[akcontainersize="sm"] > .dhxform_obj_material > .dhxform_base.f-4-col

The classes with format "f-<column number>-col" are used to apply the grid-column-templates.

The classes with format "col<column number>" are used to define the grid column start position.

When you have a special use-case where you do not want to keep the styling as default for all the forms you need to use responsiveBehaviour attribute to apply a class on that particular form field.

This will let you style the respective form control individually without changing the responsive behaviour of the other forms.


Another example using the "xs-two-col" helper class, which can be used for changing the columns template and positioning of cells inside blocks with multiple columns defined initially.

Code Block
.block_dhxform_item_label_left.xs-two-col {
	> .dhxform_block > .in_block > .f-4-col,
    > .dhxform_block > .in_block > .f-6-col,
    > .dhxform_block > .in_block > .f-8-col,
    > .dhxform_block > .in_block > .f-10-col {
    	grid-template-columns: 2fr;
        > .col2, > .col4, > .col6, > .col8, > .col10 {
        grid-column-start: 2 !important;
        grid-column-end: 3 !important;
        grid-row-start: auto !important;
        grid-row-end: auto !important;
        > .col1, > .col3, > .col5, > .col7, > .col9 {
        	grid-column-start: 1 !important;
        	grid-column-end: 2 !important;
        	grid-row-start: auto !important;
        	grid-row-end: auto !important;



Default styling applied on all the forms. The styling is part of SWAT-WEBUI by default and could be enhanced in the future:
