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Custom states can be aplied to any akObject and it consist in a name and options. It's displaying a custom icon (set in options) and some specific style on the field.

If the EventOnCustomStateChange is set in designer, than everytime the custom state is changed, the event is triggered and you can see the action (set or clear) and the customState that had been added/removed.

Custom states attributes:

namethe name of the custom state
  • bubbleUp - make the custom state to also be visible on window-header. Can be set to true or false
  • icon - an unicode from a font-awesome icon (ex: f071)


Getting a field:

var field1 = akioma.root.dynObject.getObject('offerheaderdata').getField('selfdesc')

Code Block
titleAdd a custom state with an alert icon
field1.controller.setCustomState('Alert1', {icon: 'f071'})

Code Block
titleRemove a custom state

Code Block
titleAdd a custom state with bubbleUp
field1.controller.setCustomState('Alert1', {icon: 'f071', bubbleUp: true})