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nameadrsubtypThe field which is initially displayed in the input field (closed DynSelect). In this case it is the calculated field
EntityNameOsiv.BusinessLogic.ipar.AdrSubtyp.AdrSubtypBE The Business Entity class of the 'child' table
EntityTableeAdrSubtypThe 'child' table to populate the DynSelect with
FieldLabelBasistypThe label to show in the viewer

The field to be displayed after an entry is selected (normally the same as attribute 'name').

Can also be a comma-separated list of fields and constants, for example: adrsubtyp,' - ',bez


This represents the DataSource (of the viewer) its DataField where the value from attribute 'LookupKeyValueColumn'

will be stored in, in this case the relational Adresstyp.Adrsubtyp_ID

LookupKeyValueColumnadrsubtyp_idThe key field from the Business Entity of attribute 'Entityname', in this case the relational AdrSubtyp.Adrsubtyp_ID field
TemplateGenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelectPossible other values are GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelect_line (in-line dropdown) or GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelect_checkbox (checkbox dropdown, useful for multiple selections)

The format of an entry in the drop-down. The format is: image|keyfields|other-fields

The format can also contain constants, for example: ' - '

WIDTH-CHARS230This is not the same as other fields. The value must be set much higher.
A comma separated list of fields which will be assigned after an entry is selected. Those values will be saved as well
The corresponding UI controls of attribute 'LookupFields'
MULTIPLEIf more entries can be selected (currently not implemented in a Viewer)

Allows selection of multiple values.

When selecting multiple options, all of them will be saved as a separated list (see multiDelimiter) in the BE fields defined in attributes. 

multiDelimiter|Specifies the delimiter used for multiple selections. Has to match the delimiter used on the backend.
How many entries can be selected. Works only with attribute MULTIPLE (currently not implemented in a Viewer)
The minimum characters which must be typed before any result is displayed in the DynSelect
Leave the drop-down open or not. Nice feature with MULTIPLE attribute
The value typed-in will be added to the drop-down list

Default expression when building the DynSelect for the first time.

Works together with method BuildAutoCompleteSearchQuery, parameter pcKey.

Override the BuildAutoCompleteSearchQuery method in the corresponding DataAccess class to modify the lookup query.

Be aware that the SourceDefaultQuery must invoke its super (i.e. super:SourceDefaultQuery(pcTable)),
otherwise BuildAutoCompleteSearchQuery will not be executed.


Event: This is an event which is triggered every time the DynSelect is opened. This is usefull when another DynSelect

needs to use the value of another DynSelect.

Event: This event is triggered every time an entry is selected. This is usefull for validations
Contains the name of a menu-structure, and will be displayed at the end of the DynSelect


CanFiltertrueTo enable the DynSelect
Enable to have the column sortable
Leave the drop-down open or not. Nice feature with MULTIPLE attribute
EntityNameOsiv.BusinessLogic.ipar.AdrSubtyp.AdrSubtypBEThe Business Entity class of the 'child' table
EntityTableeAdrSubtypThe 'child' table to populate the DynSelect with
LABELBasistypThe label of the column

The field to be displayed after an entry is selected (normally the same as attribute 'name').

It will show the selected enty as a 'tag/label'.

Can also be a comma-separated list of fields and constants, for example: adrsubtyp,' -- '

LookupKeyValueColumnadrsubtyp_idThe key field from the Business Entity, in this case the relational Adresstyp.Adrsubtyp_ID field

Allows selection of multiple values.

When selecting multiple options, all of them will be saved as a separated list (see multiDelimiter) in the BE fields defined in attributes. 

multiDelimiter|Specifies the delimiter used for multiple selections. Has to match the delimiter used on the backend.
multipleBehaviourstandardPossible other values are: 'cell' or 'filter+cell'. Specifies in which cases the multiple attribute will be applied
TemplateGenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelectPossible other values are 'GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelect_line' (in-line dropdown) or 'GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelect_checkbox' (checkbox dropdown, useful for multiple selections)

The format of an entry in the drop-down. The format is: image|keyfields|other-fields

The format can also contain constants, for example: ' - '
