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New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
SWAT-3669Queueing mechanism was introduced for modal messages which are displayed on the UI. In this way, the modal messages are no longer overwritten and will be displayed, one after another, after the user interaction.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes

If, for example. there was an eventLeave on a Grid column, the dataValue and screenValue of the filter couldn't be accessed in the event. Hence, two new CLAPI methods to get and set the value of the grid column filter are available.

Code Block
// get the filter value, returns a string 
// set the filter value 
column.screenValueFilter = "your value"; 

SWAT-3687Made some changes for the Ribbon items: they are disabled and will not be displayed until the page is loaded (data is available in the page) and the visibility rules are applied. This will prevent accessing menu items, before data is loaded and will eliminate the chances to trigger some errors or to create inconsistent data.
SWAT-3672Added support for deep check of dirtyState when saving in BE.
SWAT-3659There's a new function available to support new menu function server action type: INVOKE. The function uses a pre-event, which defines the parameter object, and a post-event, which is called when the back-end call is done. Configuration options are also available, to specify the BE and method names, inside the function. Documentation can be found here
