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Creating Vocabularies

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Vocabularies contain all the information that can be used in conditions and updated in actions. For example: The form field and the datasource field values we use in conditions, and the form field and page (tabs) enabled and visible properties we can set in actions.


File and Directory Structure

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There are 4 main rule file types and file extensions - Vocabulary files with the .ecore extension. Rulesheet files with the .ers extension. Ruletest files with the .ert extension and the main ruleflow file with the .erf extension. All the rule files are XML files.


Incase the .js files will need to be generated in the build the script files in the akioma corticon-java project can be used to generated the .js files (see the in Corticon integration guide).

Rulesheet Design

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There are advantages and disadvantages to separating unrelated rules with unrelated conditions to a single rulesheet or combining them to a single rulesheet.


Ruletest Design (Unit tests)

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Ruletests are the first and best way to debug and track down problems even before logs. Every rulesheet should have at least one ruletest except for the fixed rulesheet.


Ruletests need to be incorporated and run as part of the build and pipeline unittests.

Ruleflow Design

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Copy all the rulesheets to the ruleflow.


Packaging Rules for Deployment (Generating JavaScript Files)

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There is currently no need or use case to change the defaults when generating the .js files except for setting the Platform to browser.
