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Rule tests are the first and best way to debug and track down problems. Every rule sheet should have at least one a rule test with the exception of the fixed rule sheet.

Rule tests are created with a single test sheet (tab). To add another test sheet (tab), open or select a rule test file, open the Ruletest menu, open the Testsheet menu and click the Add Testsheet menu item.

Rule tests also show you the rule statements of the rules that were triggered when running the rule test sheet to further help debug and understand rules the output.

You cannot have multiple separate tests in a single rule test sheet and they must be separated into several rule testsseparate test sheets. Alternatively, use a single rule test sheet which triggers multiple rules.


  • Every rule sheet should have at least one a rule test (except for the fixed rule sheet) with the same name of their rule sheet and a _Test suffix.
    For example: EntscheidDetailWindow_IsEnabled_Test.ertIf there are multiple rule tests for a rule sheet, the _Test<number> suffix should be used.
    For example: EntscheidDetailWindow_IsEnabled_Test3.ert

  • Remove unused fields that have no conditions when copying entities to the input column, to keep the rule tests simple and readable (keeping in mind that some forms and datasources can have tens or even hundreds of fields).


  • Make sure all the rule sheets are copied into the rule flow.

  • Connect the rule sheets in the following order (with the exception of complex rule flows and in case a certain dependency and order is needed) -

    1. Fixed rule sheet.
    2. Is enabled rule sheet.
    3. Is visible rule sheet.
    4. Pages rule sheet.
    5. Messages rule sheet.
    6. or above; for any additional rule sheets (see rule sheet design).
