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Creating Vocabularies

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Vocabularies contain all the information which can be used in conditions and updated in actions. For example: The form field and the datasource field values we use in conditions, and the form field and page (tabs) enabled and visible properties we can set in actions.

Creating Vocabularies

Vocabularies can be generated either for an entire window and everything in it (all the datasources, forms, pages and ribbons) including nested frames, or just a frame with everything in it but not including nested frames so frame vocabularies are much smaller and simpler than window vocabularies which can be very big.


There is currently no need or use case to change the default values when generating a vocabulary.

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The Generate Vocabulary window creates a vocabulary file with the same name as the window or frame and the .ecore extension. Currently the file is saved out to the pasoe temp directory (c:\temp at OSIV). After the vocabulary file is generated, copy the file to your workspace (see file and directory structure).
