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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2021.18 versionof version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare that are part of this release.

titleSCL Update

Updated SmartComponent Library to Release 11.7 #67850@2021-09-13 UTF-8.

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4837Added the option to export a dynamic BEs dataset definition. In the Layout Designer, you have a new button in the ribbon "Generate datasource dataset" in the Tools block.
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SWAT-4426A new object FormFilter is available. Documentation here:


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4832In the dedicated Jira desktop, you can now filter by the sprint status value. A comma separated list of values for filtering is also allowed.
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SWAT-4798MruBT uses now RelationDSM
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SWAT-4673Added two new CLAPI methods for the Grid, grid.enableColumnFilters() and grid.disableColumnFilters(), which will allow you to enable or disable the grid header filters.
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SWAT-4467General improvements to the focus mechanism using the keyboard navigation.
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SWAT-4345Improved filter dynSelect results view and removed harcoded "#" from default filters.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4859Removed legacy .restapplicationsettings from swat-backend, to avoid confusions with the offer-config one.
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SWAT-4843Updated SmartComponent Library to Release 11.7
#67850@2021-09-13 UTF-8
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SWAT-4791Added a new export to Word functionality for the Grid panel


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4866Solved an issue which occurred in the List-item-pairs dynSelect where the initial value was overwriting the user input
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SWAT-4865Fixed an issue with afterFetchData overriding hidden grid columns settings.
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SWAT-4863Updated templates with latest SCL cache settings
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SWAT-4855Removed some invalid timeline css map references, throwing warnings in the console on application launch.
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SWAT-4854Fixed an issue which occurred when trying to disable a RichText editor.
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SWAT-4852Fixed a "silent" console error on login screen when resizing browser window.
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SWAT-4848Removed references to some missing types from the repository.
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SWAT-4847Fixed an issue with ignored questions (that were not smartmessages) sent from the backend and which caused the frontend processing to fail with an error.
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SWAT-4845Adjusted entity generation to separate between databases properly, so that the repo generation is correctly performed.
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SWAT-4836Added handling for reserved SCL field names (id and seq) in entity fields generation.
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SWAT-4833Fixed a focus issue which occurred in the treegrid
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SWAT-4786Fixed an issue which prevented the deletion of code from the menu structure items.
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SWAT-4774Trimmed spaces for attributes in the Layout/Form designer, upon saving.
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SWAT-4664Solved a resize issue which appeared in the header taskbar.
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SWAT-4641Corticon.js: Added generic error handling for Vocabulary generation.

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
