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titleSCL Update

Updated SCL to latest version: Release 11.7 #68128@2021-10-03 UTF-8. Release notes here.

Children Display

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
SWAT-4889Added attribute frame for Tabbar objects, from where you can adjust the Tab Visualization and the View Template
SWAT-4850Added a 'Where Used?' grid to repository objects desktop. Also, a launch link was added to the grid.
SWAT-4812Created new security token, CanEnableRibbonButtons (default, only unrestricted for akAdmins). Based on this token, added new item in burger menu (where you can find also the options to open the Designer) for enabling all ribbon buttons (only enables the visible ones). When no ribbon is present in the page, this item is hidden.
