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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2022.20 versionof the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare part of this release.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
HighImage Modified
SWAT-7091Fixed issue with jquery reference that was removed
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hdp` service
hdp  service to integrate Progress
Hyper Data
Pipeline` with
Pipeline  with Build.One.

It is introduced as separate micro-service runnable in isolation as docker container.

to `src
to src/xenon/

Callable from
webui , through the
backend where the request is routed through a
`gateway` micro
gateway  micro-service under
gateway .

Currently supports HTTP-method
`GET` to
GET  to consume data from foreign APIs connected to
live .

When configuring a
Data Source Object (DSO)
` set SUBTYPE `Nestjs` and configure attribute `resourceName` to `resource
  set SUBTYPE Nestjs  and configure attribute resourceName  to resource/<connectorName>/
`resourceName` must contain `resource`
`<connectorName>` represents

resourceName  must contain resource 

<connectorName>  represents the DataSource name configured
in `HDP`
`<tableName>` represent
in HDP 

<tableName>  represent the endpoint configured inside the data source
in `HDP`
in HDP 

Further plans include adding Hyper Data Pipeline to the [Build.One](http://Build.One) stack and not just consuming it as a foreign SaaS-service.
MediumImage Modified
SWAT-6931Added dedicated tests to dynSelect control


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
MediumImage Modified
SWAT-7154TagName was not correctly handled in lookup click handler of
`DynSelect` due
DynSelect  due to modernisation and removal of
jquery .
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`FilterForm` was
FilterForm  was not opened as form in designer. Only reacted on
` and
  and accidentally ignored
'swatfilterform', 'swatattributeform'
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SWAT-7130Fixed vuex
version to
  version to 4.0.2 
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`glob` from `^7
glob  from ^7.2.
0` to `^8
0  to ^8.0.
Updated mocha
from `^9
  from ^9.1.
3` to `^10
3  to ^10.1.
HighestImage Modified
` returned
  returned undefined despite the formField being present in the corresponding form.

Search mechanism for nested form elements was dysfunctional.
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SWAT-7113Fixed issue where adding classes with space characters resulted in errors.

activeFormControl was accidentally removed from the dom-element instead of the classList, due to jquery removal
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SWAT-7109terminDetailWindow.getScheduler("TerminCalendar"); returned null because the scheduler view was renamed from appointment to scheduler but method createSwatObject() was accidentally still listening for appointment
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SWAT-7107Method insertAdjacentHTML() was chained in a lazy loaded path by accident.
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SWAT-7106Changes to a menu function where saved but not visible. I.e. a checkbox that was checked, was saved as checked, but not visible as checked.

Field updates were only checked for values not
null , needed to check also for
`false` and `undefined`
false  and undefined .
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SWAT-7099Fixed CLAPI error with adjustMainWinStyling. Class 'sidebar_removeBorders' accidentally was not added.

Due to the modernisation efforts of removing jquery method addClass was accidentally called. Replaced with classList.
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SWAT-70363-day events which have been created in Outlook have been displayed as 4-day events in the Build.One calendar.

`wholeDay` was
wholeDay  was set to
`true` the `endTime` attribute
true  the endTime  attribute is no longer overridden and the hour is set to midnight.
HighImage Modified
SWAT-6871Changes to label attribute for a column was not visible at runtime. Introduced clearing of repository Cache on change of instance in the designer.

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
