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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2022.24 versionof the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare part of this release.

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5883Enhanced Excel import for repository objects to allow creating instances within an existing master.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-7235Implemented authentication via secureable.

Documentation follows.
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SWAT-7178Modernized HDP integration to follow standard axios and URL encoding practices


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-7401Fixed issue where onKeyUp-Trigger for Corticon contained the wrong references and made forms unusable.
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SWAT-7383Number formatter on input fields accidentally cleared on input 0
  as it was not checking for empty , but falsy
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SWAT-7381Multiple filters in grid.setFilterFields
  not working, resolved with improvements
to Datagrid2.ts 
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SWAT-7374Menu function Action Type saving issue resolved by fixing combobox
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Fixed an ambiguity in the MRU settings so that the config name reflects its behavior.


Code Block
"mostRecentlyUsed": {

    "tableNames": "019,021,024"



Code Block
"mostRecentlyUsed": {

    "tableNames": "offer,customer,contact"


HighestImage Modified
SWAT-7339JS error triggered when applying extendedFormat , fixed by replacing trigger with blur
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SWAT-7307State mode of a new record is update instead of insert resolved through checking with hasChanges
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SWAT-7302Identified bug in SCL. Reported and updated to Release 11.7 #73412@2022-12-12 UTF-8 after receiving the fix.
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SWAT-7123Updated outdated Corticon-License

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
