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We are glad to inform you that the latest 23.24.0 versionof Build.Oneis out. Below is the list of issues that are part of this release.


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
HighestImage Modified
SWAT-9652The SecHub is now able to send a subscription ID via OICD from legacy applications
HighImage Modified
SWAT-9503fix a fieldset collapsed/expanded state is displayed correctly after changing the fieldset visibility (show/hide)


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
MediumImage Modified
SWAT-9834Fixed an issue where app-level customisations were handled incorrectly.
HighImage Modified
SWAT-9820FieldMenu for Attribute form fields reseting inherited state.
HighImage Modified
SWAT-9811- fix Unable to open B1 in Firefox
MediumImage Removed SWAT-9801 - HighImage Removed SWAT-9794 -
HighImage Modified
SWAT-9793Fixed an issue where the translation field dialog failed to launch.
HighImage Modified
SWAT-9789Updated to SmartComponent Library Release 11.7 #78138@2023-11-19 UTF-8
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SWAT-9777Dynamic attribute form attributes are grouped into 3 fieldsets.
HighestImage Modified
SWAT-9776Added 'Layout' field to dynamic attribute forms.
HighImage Removed SWAT-9775 - MediumImage Removed SWAT-9771 -
HighestImage Modified
SWAT-9753New application settings "design.designerObjectName" is made available for configuring designer screen object name.
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SWAT-9680- initiate login from query parameters (providerId, subscriberId)
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SWAT-9616change empty date format sent in HTTP requests to align with a Progress specification
MediumImage Modified
SWAT-9571Added support for OfTypes query in the replace dialog grid dynselect filter.
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SWAT-9556Moved Width & Height attributes on SwatPanel level to allow setting the fixed dimensions on all panel level controls, in addition to fixWidth & fixHeight.
HighImage Modified
SWAT-9449Replaced object masters grid with a dataView in new designer.
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SWAT-9443Introduce a field button feature; the button has a menu
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SWAT-9229Implemented support for PanelSwitcher in CLAPI
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SWAT-9211Adjusted new designer to display only supported instance types.
MediumImage Removed SWAT-9035
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SWAT-8842Cleaned up SwatButton attributes.
MediumImage Modified
SWAT-8606User can no longer add a second tabbar to a second panel in a screen, causing the designer to crash.


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
HighestImage Removed SWAT-9876 - HighestImage Removed SWAT-9875 -
HighImage Modified
SWAT-9855Fixed Open Object Master menu action in Designer 2.0.
HighImage Modified
SWAT-9833Fixed error in InputText widget triggered during rendering.
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SWAT-9827Nestjs Datasource fixes with filtering in Grid.
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SWAT-9780Memory leak cleanup events and data.
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SWAT-9618Fixed an issue with Treegrid nodes data refresh.
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SWAT-9575Cleanup event listeners in progress spinner and select2 object.
HighImage Modified
SWAT-9543Update "Learn Build one" links to the documentation

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
