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The “Menu Style” and Parameter type are not that important, because the actual UI representation is mostly dependent on the definition of the screen and the Menustructure. E.g., if you add a “SimpleSwatRibbon” to your screen, the menustructure referenced in the “ToolbarKey” attribute will be rendered as a Ribbon. If instead you use a “SimpleSwatToolbar” object (which also has a “Toolbarkey” Attribute), the same structure will be rendered as a Toolbar.

Similar, the structure defines e.g. if a Ribbon has as RibbonTab, Ribbon-Blocks,, and in which block an item resides. There is only one special case: A Menu below the Ribbon-Root-Node could be a Tab or a Block. Therefore, in this case, the SWAT UX assumes you want this to be a Block. If you want to use a Ribbon-Tab, you must explicitly set the Menu-Style of the menu-node to “Ribbon Tab”.

The lowest level in a Ribbon Menu-Structure are items (which reference Menu-Functions). Those are usually represented in the UX as Buttons, which trigger certain actions when clicked at runtime, depending on their Action-Type (launch, publish, run…).

Those work the same as Menu-Functions in other parts of the UX (like FAB, Context-Menu, Panel-Menu…)

Sample Action Types

 Next comes the menu function for the first button you want to put into the ribbon. In my case it is a create record button.
Important here are the parameters “action type” and “action parameter”. As I want to launch a create window in my case I put “launch” as the action type and the window name “CreateRecordWindow” as action parameter. This is more or less the “folderWindowToLaunch” as you might know already.


If the Ribbon is used for Updating records, it must be connected as a TableIO-Source to a SwatForm. If there are multiple SwatForms related to the same BusinessEntity / DataSource, then only the 1st one must be linked.

If the Ribbon is used for Navigating a Query (Next/Prev/First/Last), it must be connected as a Navigation-Source to a BusinessEntity/Datasource.


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