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We are glad to inform you that the latest 24.5.0 versionof Build.Oneis out. Below is the list of issues that are part of this release.


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
HighImage Modified
SWAT-10347Added theme properties for modal boxes. Added alternative custom style preserving the old settings.
MediumImage Modified
SWAT-9458Removed amount of webui assets included in webui package.


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
HighestImage Modified
SWAT-10524Fixed an issue when removing repository objects from cache.
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SWAT-10442Fixed an issue where automation hub workflows failed to be loaded in standalones.
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SWAT-10421Fixed an issue where file upload was failing.
HighImage Removed SWAT-10417 - HighImage Removed SWAT-10399 -
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SWAT-10389Fixed an issue where DocX would fail to run in Gitpod workspaces.
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SWAT-10372Adjusted radius of form checkbox icon.
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SWAT-10360- Set tabbar background and tabbar items background to transparent
HighImage Removed SWAT-10359 -
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SWAT-10280Fixed an issue where repository cache was not cleared on all designer changes.
HighImage Removed SWAT-10277 -
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SWAT-10265List Source select is now automatically set to "static" or "dynamic" based on entityName and LookupKeyValueColumn attributes.
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SWAT-10215Fixed memory leaks inside dxf ABL adapters
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SWAT-10205Fixed an issue with grid cell not being deselected when clicking on a grid filter
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SWAT-10112- update svg preview generation with no extra (left) padding
- update a preview viewer to avoid extra left-right side paddings
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SWAT-10075Improve types for UserProfile class
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SWAT-10044Added deploy button to the 'Releases' desktop in Portal.
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SWAT-9579During import, when an item is not available, it will be created.
Changed/added the excel header column names.
Added new HeadHdl for the Type, under key "TypItem".
Fixed update in the edit screen throwing an error that update function is undefined.
Added type DynSelect in the maintenance form to allow for update.
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SWAT-9484In Menu and Action dynSelects, a new option to create a new entry was added; the create option launches the create dialog for action/menu.
In the menu create form, a new dynselect was added, which allows selection of a parent menu during creation.
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SWAT-9482Switched object type and repository module dynselects to 'BeginsMatches' operator.
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SWAT-9475Added object version import/revert functionality in the designer.
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SWAT-8406Automatically display panel header if panelMenu attribute or borderTitle is set.


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
HighImage Modified
SWAT-10438Update record CLAPI method fix when updating and returning a smart message error.
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SWAT-10414Fixed an issue with setTitle method of Window not displaying correctly window icon.
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SWAT-10400Adjusted check on dataview cards to work regardless of the card template used.
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SWAT-10385Fixed duplicate scrollbar in sidebar menu.
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SWAT-10357Added Frame translation similar to Window.
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SWAT-10342Fixed an issue with validation message when removing records in DataSource.
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SWAT-10291Fixed a bug when opening a new action
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SWAT-10290Fixed multi-select values being cut off at the bottom.
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SWAT-10195Fixed spacing in external screen when baseLayout object contains a Ribbon object.
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SWAT-10173Fixed an issue with Wait Cursor not being removed when DataSource fetch is prevented.
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SWAT-10148Fixed issue with disabled toolbar button not having consistent styling. Added new variables for setting the color/background of a button.
Adjusted style of disabled grouped toolbar buttons to be more visible.
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SWAT-9932- make only affected themes are rebuilt on theme settings change

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
