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We are glad to inform you that the latest 24.6.0 versionof Build.Oneis out. Below is the list of issues that are part of this release.


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
MediumImage Removed SWAT-10528 - HighImage Removed SWAT-10483 -
HighImage Modified
SWAT-10429A new attribute is introduced in the SwatPanel level with the name "documentationPath"
The attribute allows to introduce a URL path as value.
When this attribute is set the panel header include a new panel header icon that opens the documentation page. A new application-setting exists "documentationRootUrl", which is initialized to ""
HighImage Modified
SWAT-10388- translate handles a translation key first regardless the default value
HighImage Modified
SWAT-10164Search input for Designer attributes forms in Designer 2.0.
HighImage Modified
SWAT-10123Adjusted contacts grid with Date changed column and default sort descending on timechanged.


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
HighestImage Modified
SWAT-10505- Fixup profile icon in dev mode
HighestImage Modified
SWAT-10491Adjusted styling for dynselects in toolbars.
HighImage Modified
SWAT-10452Fix drag and drop fields on block/fieldset
HighImage Modified
SWAT-10071- update a menu renderer component positions with no screen overlap

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
