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Why SWAT Framework? 

SWAT is a development platform which you can use to individually extend AKIOMA’s range of functions and fully implement new applications for your business processes.  It is usually designed for developing Enterprise Business web-applications with an OpenEdge Backend.

SWAT relies on multi-layer technology with service-oriented architecture (SOA). The database and 4GL programming language were created by Progress. The UI can be used with all established web browsers and resembles a native Windows client with regard to look & feel. An application server is responsible for client server communication. 


  • Complete integration with MS Office, e.g. filling of Word templates with information from the system and data transfer to Excel 

  • Service-oriented architecture with tried and tested progress technology as a basis (programming language and database)  

  • Open interfaces through SOA

Principles of SWAT-Framework

  • Cover Backend + Frontend UI Components have matching Backend implementation
  • Not forcing a given Application Layout
  • Allow (Backend-) Developers to implement the whole stack
  • Progress Best practises JSDO / CCS / OERA
  • OpenEdge on the Backend, enhanced by state-of-the art technology (node.js…)
  • Provide Lowcode, quick approaches, but also allow more control and working on lower levels