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In order to be able to create and maintain the applications' screens there is a cloud tool called Layout Designer. It can be accessed by pressing CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+L within the workspace and filling in "layoutdesignerw" in the popup screen that appears. 


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This designer tool is built as well using the SWAT framework controls. The list of existing repository objects already available to be used is automatically displayed and one can choose or search for an individual one to maintain it or create a completely new repository object 

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A list of already predefined "empty" controls commonly used is available in the repository and they can be looked up for by filtering the objects having the names prefixed with "SimpleSwat" (make sure you use "*" in the filter) 

Double-clicking on a repository object will enable views for that object: Master, Design, Links and Instances depending on the object type.  


The Master View holds the information about Object Settings and Object Attributes which can be edited in-line. 

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The Design View allows the possibility of adjusting the layout and UI behaviour of the repository object by adding other controls to it and configuring events on them. To add a new control to the object simply click the Add button on the top-left toolbar of the layout designer which will open a dialog form that allows you to search and select a specific other existing object or control and then just drag-and-drop it against an "empty" or used node on the right-hand side of the layout hierarchy view. Selecting a node will display the complete suite of attributes and events that can be edited for that particular control.

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For a complete description of the controls attributes and events please refer to Controls Overview


The Links View enables you to perform bindings of controls in order to display data content into a grid or into a form from a business entity data source object, or even to link several business entity objects between each other so that children entity data is automatically displayed for the current parent record. Adding a link can be done by first hoovering on top of the icon of the control which is the source of the link and drag-and-drop the small blue arrow which appears on top of other control representing the target of that link. Releasing the drag will open a popup dialog asking for the type of that link

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Any changes to the object settings, attributes, design layout and events or links need to be saved before they will take effect. 

The results of these changes can be checked easily in the same fashion the layout designer was launched, this time specifying the name of the repository object you would like to view in action.