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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2019.16 version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues that were part of this release.

Sprint 16 2019

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-2472The launchContainer has a new boolean parameter “allowMultipleInstances“, default “false“. If set to true, multiple instances will be allowed.Done
MediumSWAT-2255The PrimaryDOAutorization is now supported for ribbons and toolbars.
For blocks, visibilityRules can be specified on the MenuStructure level and for items it can be defined in the MenuFunction visibilityRules.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-2529Adjusted the display of the label, not to overlap other panel header items. Also, aligned the checkbox in the panel header with the other elements.Done
MediumSWAT-2520Made adjustments in the smartmessages and validation messages. Alerts supports now also HTML content.Done
MediumSWAT-2508Improved the repository clear cache functionalityDone
MediumSWAT-2491Custom log entries to exportDocXDone
MediumSWAT-2460Enabled the setting of the screen value for HTML editor.Done
MediumSWAT-2448Adjusted the display of smartmessages based on messagetype.Done
MediumSWAT-2442Added a new keyboard shortcut: ALT+CTRL+R. The focus is moved to the ribbon/toolbar. Then, arrow left/right/up/down focus is moved to the items of the ribbon/toolbar, and with ENTER the item can be executed.
If inside a frame or a window (alt+ctrl+r) will focus the ribbon/toolbar
If a ribbon/toolbar is already focused the shortcut will focus the parent toolbar/ribbon if present.
Once inside a ribbon/toolbar left+right keys shifts the focus through the items in the ribbon/toolbar (ignoring disabled/hidden items)
Added the option to use the menuStructureCode as default id for items created from Menu Structures
HighSWAT-2428Now, the current login username is displayed under the user icon in the right top corner. On mouse-over, the full name is displayed.Done
MediumSWAT-2425Added a new attribute for Frame "Pages" which will specify which pages need to be loaded initially. Default is '*' (all pages) but you can add something like "0,1,2" to load the first 3 pages.Done
MediumSWAT-2386Further improvements in the grid dynSelect filters, to prevent selection before data is available.Done
HighSWAT-985Offer ribbon comes now from SCL, not from uicache anymoreDone


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
HighSWAT-2433We fixed an issue with the parent icon in taskbar.Done
MediumSWAT-2244Added missing English translations in the Offer maintenance screenDone


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-2535Solved an issue in the data query for vPDone
HighSWAT-2533Solved a layout issue in the 2nd Screen (document is hidden on button click)Done
MediumSWAT-2526Solved an issue when PASOE creates fails on UNIX due to missing directoriesDone
MediumSWAT-2522Solved an issue when changing the cursor in grid was not removing the dirty state.Done
MediumSWAT-2521Solved an issue with the refresh schema when the table itself wasn't taken into consideration, when using the wildcard.Done
MediumSWAT-2518Solved an issue where self was undefined in the beforeFetch event on grid dynSelect columnDone
MediumSWAT-2513Solved a non-blocking error which was appearing when scrolling in tree-grid.Done
HighestSWAT-2512Solved an issue which was preventing creating new treegrid nodesDone
MediumSWAT-2510Solved some catalog resource errors.Done
HighSWAT-2497CSS styling changes for disabled inputsDone
MediumSWAT-2496Solved a dynSelect bug, which was preventing the dirtystate from getting triggered.Done
MediumSWAT-2485Solved an issue when negative numbers were allowed to be entered, even if the extendedFormat was for positive numbers only.Done
MediumSWAT-2467Added the following events to the docViewer callbacks: annotationChanged(args) and annotationCreation(args)
saveDocument(args) will trigger also the saveAnnotations(args) - it can not be called directly.
MediumSWAT-2457Solved an issue when the Tabbar parent element title was truncatedDone
MediumSWAT-2434Solved an issue with dirty state being triggered once a record was selected using the chooseWindow.Done
HighSWAT-2429Solved an issue when setting the correct record state n the BE during deletion failure.Done
MediumSWAT-2364Solved an issue with AfterDisplay Trigger not executed when a TAB is clickedDone
MediumSWAT-2357Improved 2nd and 3rd Screen layout, added missing margin for better UX experience.Done
HighSWAT-2332Solved an issue causing uploads to fail when the paths were containing German charactersDone
HighSWAT-2295Solved an issue where the preload of dynSelects caused the grids to break.Done
HighestSWAT-2283BE now supports setting a flag to send all the filters from the BE at once.Done
MediumSWAT-1561Did some adjustments for the AfterDisplay event.Done
