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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2019.17 version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues that were part of this release.

Sprint 17 2019 

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-2602Added support for default user profileDone

The new SessionContext is available by accessing akioma.sessionContext. Here the eSessionContext (SCL) and eSwatSessionContext are available. Any custom context would be available in the same object (e.g eCustomSessionContext).
The SessionContext can also be accessed from CLAPI

, like this:

Code Block
akioma.swat.SessionManager.get('propertyName', 'context')
; // If 'context' is not specified, default will be eSwatSessionContext.

MediumSWAT-2483All the dynSelects which are loading data from the UserBE will have the "CurrentUser" select option automatically added.Done


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-2638Solved an issue when the waiting cursor was not disappearing after saving a documentDone
HighSWAT-2624Optimised the activation of the service interface needlessly in LoginWebHandlerDone
MediumSWAT-2591Updates in SmartMessages: now is available to write object notation for buttons. Before, from typescript, only arrays definitions were available.Done
MediumSWAT-2584Improvements on create new user windowDone
MediumSWAT-2556In Grids, the old Filter Manager was replaced with the new Filter managerDone
HighSWAT-2542Added handling for "AllowedAuthentication" settingDone
HighSWAT-2486Removed sso cookies (ssoSessionId, ssoUserId) from PASOE to node-main server communication as part of security improvements.
ssoSessionId and ssoUserId are now sent via request parameters.

Now it's easier to maintain the keyboard shortcuts throughout the entire application. A ShortcutManager is now available, which allows you to get and set the keyboard shortcuts for all the events.
The syntax for the new calls is:

Code Block


The name of the events that can be used (e.g "OpenRepository") can be found by typing akioma.shortcutManager in the console.
CLAPI documentation:

MediumSWAT-2439Solved some issues and improved the handling of the akEvent for numeric inputs.Done
HighSWAT-2074Enhanced the handling and display of HTTP status codes when calling backend. Also, when the user session expires, the user is redirected to the login screen.Done



  • Added default password handling for user creation: if no password is provided, the default password is now the UserName (SelfKey). Password is encoded before being saved in the DB.
  • Added ShortName assignment on new users.


  • Max shortName is fetched from existing users (otherwise 0 if no users in db)
  • Max shortName is incremented by 1 for each new user.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-2636Fixed an issue with wrong display of the document in docViewerDone
MediumSWAT-2635Solved an error in console for the handleHttpStatus methodDone
MediumSWAT-2634Solved an issue where the progress icon was not displayed properly when initially loading the document from the first record.Done
MediumSWAT-2629Solved an issue with loading the document when there is a document in the first record of the grid.Done
HighestSWAT-2619Solved an issue where screens containing ui-cache ribbons didn't loadDone
MediumSWAT-2616Solved an issue with visibilityRules causing the Save button no to be displayed.Done

Solved an issue with the checkbox filtering when fields which are not visible in the grid were used for filtering.

NOTE: in this version of the checkbox filtering, you can use in the filter definition only fields which are not visible in the grid. In next versions, both types of fields (visible / not visible) would be available for use.

So, currently, the checkbox filter supports only BE fields that are not used for Grid columns.

MediumSWAT-2608Solved an issue with visibilityRules in erp-item nodeDone
MediumSWAT-2604Solved an issue causing custom autostartobject and baselayoutobject to fail.Done
MediumSWAT-2599Adjusted the toolbar buttons to work similar to the buttons in Ribbon. The buttons ID will be the menuStructureCode (if defined), otherwise the menuFunctionCode will be used.Done
MediumSWAT-2597Solved an issue causing, in some scenarios, a client-side error crash on first load.Done
MediumSWAT-2571Fixed an issue where you could not change the ObjectName in Designer ModeDone
MediumSWAT-2564Solved an issue with akEvent caused by incorrect call of the setValue function during the onChange event on the form inputDone
MediumSWAT-2563Solved an issue with the akCalendar setValue functionDone
MediumSWAT-2561When updating an Outlook Appointment, changed the default behaviour for the 'showAs' element: If showAs is not set, then “BUSY” will be used.Done
HighSWAT-2560Solved an issue when updating Outlook appointment. Now, it saves with the correct defined timezone.Done
HighSWAT-2557Multiple fixes and enhancements for the external screen / DocViewer.Done
MediumSWAT-2548Fixed an issue the ribbon stood hidden when clicking too fast in a grid or treegridDone
HighSWAT-2532 Following UserEntity changes were done:
Added default password handling for user creation: if no password is provided, the default password is now the UserName (SelfKey). Password is encoded before being saved in the DB.
Added ShortName assignment on new users.
ShortName is generated the following:
Max shortName is fetched from existing users (otherwise 0 if no users in db)
Max shortName is incremented by 1 for each new user. Done

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
