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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2020.07 versionof version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare that are part of this release.SWAT Release 2020.07

titleSCL Update

Updated SCL to most recent version: Release 11.3 #58260@2020-04-09 UTF-8. Release notes here.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-2952Added responsive UI to the framework.

If you want to change some styling please have a look at:


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-3250In order to make it possible to distinguish between events called from header or cells, from grid dynSelect columns, there is a new flag that is accessible in any event through self.bCell.
If self.bCell = true, the event was triggered from a dynSelect cell.
If self.bCell is undefined, the event was triggered from dynSelect header filter.
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SWAT-3249There is a new function getFrontendDateFormat for formatting the DateTime received from the back-end to frontend format, using the application global defined format for displaying dates.
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SWAT-3241Improvements on navigating between grid records.

  • NextWindow = 'alt+up';
  • PreviousWindow = 'alt+down';
  • SwitchSidebarUp = 'ctrl+up';
  • SwitchSidebarDown = 'ctrl+down';

  • NextWindow = 'alt+shift+up';
  • PreviousWindow = 'alt+shift+down';
  • SwitchSidebarUp = 'alt+up';
  • SwitchSidebarDown = 'alt+down';

The newly introduced shortcut in grids is
Up and
Down for navigating between grid records.
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SWAT-3000The Excel Upload was migrated from NODE to PASOE, for improved speed and security.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-3186Updated mouse cursor to be hand-pointer, instead of arrow-pointer, for ribbons / sidebars / toolbars items.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-3282Fixed an issue when clearing a
dynSelect in a grid
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SWAT-3277Fixed in issue in the
RichText Editor
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SWAT-3276Solved an issue causing the dynSelect dropdown, in grid cells, not to be correctly positioned.
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SWAT-3272Solved an issue where the dynSelect footer menu was only showing after results were shown. The problem is fixed and now, the footer menu it's always displayed.
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SWAT-3270Solved an issue causing the InstanceName not to be visible after adding a dynSelect in Form builder.
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SWAT-3260Fixed an issue where the grid context menus were not shown anymore
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SWAT-3247Fixed an issue where a
dynSelect with a "canFilter" in a grid could break
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SWAT-3229Fixed an issue with the login
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SWAT-3225Solved and issue in the form designer and now, the local changes are no longer discarded when a new item is created.
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SWAT-3220Solved an issue causing the master instance record to be removed from the grid when drag & drop into the layout.
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SWAT-3204Solved an issue which appeared when adding a new entity field in instances tab, layout designer, causing the object name to be empty. Now, the object name and object sequence are filled-in.
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SWAT-3109In order to prevent unexpected behaviour, the tree-grid object is now blocked (for actions like drag&drop items or switching to another node) when the user adds a new node or selects an existing node for editing. In order to re-enable the tree-grid, the user must save or undo their changes to the currently selected node item.
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SWAT-3021Solved an issue causing the group title not to be refreshed, when related information was updated in the form.

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
