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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2020.23 versionof version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare that are part of this release.SWAT Release 20.23

titleSmartcomponent Library update

Updated SCL to latest version: Release 11.7 #63624@2020-11-24 UTF-8.

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-3763Made Corticon.js available and the existing functionality of the Corticon Server was migrated to Corticon.js, together with some new enhancements.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-3848Added access rights for user profile maintenance.
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Added a new event "EventOnContextMenuOpen", available for Grid type objects, that is triggered when clicking on a grid row context menu. Using this event, you can write or call a CLAPI function, and manage the visibility of the context menu items.

The visibility of menu items can also be set now from the SCL Menu Function Option “isHidden”. This will hide the corresponding item.

CLAPI example for showing, hiding one item based on function code or show/hide all context menu items:

Code Block
namespace akioma {

	export function onContextMenuOpen(GridSource:akioma.swat.Grid){








PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4044Frontend build improvements and fixes.
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SWAT-3977Now, you can specify custom panel message types, besides the standard ones. See updated documentation here


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4064Fix for fileDelete default closeWindow param.
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SWAT-4053Adjusted some 3rd-party libraries inclusion, preventing some errors to appear in specific use-cases.
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SWAT-4036Fixed some failing UI unit-tests.
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SWAT-4034Fixed fetchData bug when error is triggered, which was causing the wait cursor to be in a blocked state on the screen.
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SWAT-4001Fixed record selection before validateEvent, causing the event not to be triggered.
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SWAT-3694Fixed an issue with setWaitCursorForLinks, causing a delay before showing the loaded grids (in same use-cases), right after the WaitCursor animation was ending.

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
