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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2021.10 versionof version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare that are part of this release.

titleSCL Update

Updated SCL to version Release 11.7 #65948@2021-05-17 UTF-8. Release notes here.

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4533Added generic form panel menu save option
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SWAT-4394A new desktop Security is available from which you can manage related entities (groups, users, realms, security-tokens)
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CLA-58Two new TS methods are available for the grid:
setEditable(true/false) - will enable or disable the inline editing for the grid
isEnabled - returns true if the grid is enabled and false otherwise


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4561Corticon.js: added support for form isEnabled
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SWAT-4560Corticon.js: Removed onDataAvailable throttling, as it's not needed.
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SWAT-4529You can specify the tooltip for grid column headers by using the HELP attribute. If you don't specify them the label will be used instead.
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SWAT-4519Feather theme box-shadow panel level and sidebar background were adjusted.
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SWAT-4513Corticon.js: custom states are now automatically cleared.
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SWAT-4478The default message, which appears when the user tries to exit a window and there are still unsaved changes, was changed from info to warning.
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SWAT-4470We’ve added a new attribute for the scheduler: scrollHour.
The 'scrollHour' attribute specifies the initial position on the timeline scroll. Default value is 0. Possible values are between 'firstHour' + 1 and 'lastHour'. When switching between day and week views in the scheduler, the scroll position will always be reset to the scrollHour value. If the value is outside of the before mentioned range, it will be ignored. The scroll hour can only be set to an integer value. If the current hour is less than the scrollHour value, the focus in the scheduler will be set to the current hour instead.

The Scheduler documentation was also updated
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SWAT-4448Enhancements in handling JSDO exception messages
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SWAT-4444Added font-awesome icon support for devTools items.
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SWAT-4432Added support for font-awesome styling in the panel-header dropdown menus
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SWAT-4319Implemented a new object type SwatPanelSwitcher which uses the already provided showView functionality
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SWAT-4262A new dialog to create Products/Applications is now available.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4545Corticon.js: added Window Name to custom properties
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SWAT-4531Added a unique browser ID in external screens
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SWAT-4520The border for the selected object in the layout-designer was changed from the default solid blue to a dashed red border.
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SWAT-4497The serverDescription is now added as a class on the body dom element. You can specify the position and content of the indicator on the UI, when defining the CSS class, which needs to have the same name as the serverDescription value.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-4568Corticon.js: Fixed checkbox vocabulary field DataType
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SWAT-4554Solved a small issue which occurred when opening some menu structures.
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SWAT-4552Corticon.js: Fixed an issue which occurred when trying to enable or disable non-existent buttons/items.
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SWAT-4550Fixed emitter in external launch options, which was causing the launch of external screens to affect all other already opened external screens.
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SWAT-4546Corticon.js: fixed an issue which occurred when setting the form title.
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SWAT-4420Solved an icon issue which occurred for empty panels in Layout Designer.
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SWAT-4407Solved an issue causing the text inside modals to be displayed outside the modal itself.
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SWAT-4405Solved an issue which was causing the ChooseWindow pointer icon to overlap the text of the selected dynSelect value.
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SWAT-4348Improved key-handling for dynSelect filters selection.

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
