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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2021.20.02 versionof version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare that are part of this release.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
HighestImage Modified
SWAT-5062Clean-up in the image assets
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SWAT-5040Re-organising the Offer! code and SWAT code, making the separation clearer and easier to maintain


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
HighestImage Modified
SWAT-5095Fixed a form save issue in the designer, caused by a wrong ContainerObjectMasterGuid.
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SWAT-5092Added some missing layout images
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SWAT-5089Solved an issue which occurred when attempting to change page sequence in designer
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SWAT-5088Fixed an issue when attempting to replace placeholders in designer, caused by an incorect placeholder guid
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SWAT-5087Fixed evalCode call dynObject param, causing a warning to be triggered when opening a repository object
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SWAT-5078Fixed an error which occurred when assigning attribute value in property grid
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SWAT-5050Fixed a save issue in the form designer.
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SWAT-5049Fixed duplicate query initialised, which caused an issue when opening a menu-structure in the Menu desktop
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SWAT-5042Fixed an issue which occurred in designer on changing grid attributes on master level
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SWAT-5039Fixed an error which occurred when opening "Choose file" for images
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SWAT-5037Now, if there are no items selected in the dynSelect, the cursor is cleared before validate event is called. Previously, the getSelectedRecord method was returning wrong values even if the dynSelect was cleared.
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SWAT-5029Fixed some issues with External Screen events
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SWAT-5028Fixed a focusTrap issue with dynSelects in form
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SWAT-5017Fixed an issue which occurred in layoutdesigner when no repository object was selected and you tried to change the tab.
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SWAT-4995Refactoring of the export to Word/Excel functionality
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SWAT-4982Added support for 5+ layouts in the new Designer.
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SWAT-4935Solved an issue with mandatory fields not being highlighted correctly in the dynamic screens

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
