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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2021.20.06 versionof version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare that are part of this release.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5124Added Support in the new designer for Panel-Level Toolbars and Ribbons


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5214Improvements and fixes to the taskbar custom states


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5117Solved an issue causing the attribute grid to be empty in the Object Types screen.
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SWAT-5108Added window support & moved panel messages methods in CLAPI.
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SWAT-5057Enhanced the inputnum object with the info button option.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5215Fixed an issue with show/hide info button functions.
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SWAT-5196Fixed a remove instance progress state issue, which prevented objects from being removed in the layout designer
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SWAT-5179Fixed an issue which occurred when adding a new page and the attributes for that new page did not load in the propertyGrid.
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SWAT-5176In the form builder, fixed an issue with the automatic deletion of empty parent blocks.
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SWAT-5167Fixed a JSDO issue, initially causing an error when trying to delete field containers with fields and then save, in the Designer.
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SWAT-5161Improved validation messages for LayoutPosition in designer
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SWAT-5160Fixed a Taskbar error in global afterSave hook check
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SWAT-5157Fixed naming issue in Form builder for fields with entityName
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SWAT-5123Fixed an issue in the Designer, preventing from adding instances to a panel containing a toolbar.
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SWAT-5120Solved an issue which occurred on window reload with empty panels.
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SWAT-5119Fixed an issue with empty panel cell positioning in layout designer
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SWAT-5105Fixed an issue when deleting instances in Designer, preventing also the fieldsets from being deleted.
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SWAT-5086Fixed an issue which occurred when adding two grid instances in a tab
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SWAT-5077Fixed some vuex errors in designer
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SWAT-5063Disabled focus trap on textEditor focus, so that some functionalities inside the editor remain active.
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SWAT-5036Solved an issue with the info button being removed on label change. Now, the info button is preserve on label change
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SWAT-5033Fixed an issue with reposition fields by visibility in forms
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SWAT-5025Enhancements for LayoutDesigner positioning
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SWAT-5018Validating the object name on master records is now configurable. Added a new Application Setting, called "validateRepoNames", with default value set to true. When set to false, it will skip the object name validation, otherwise, validation will occur.
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SWAT-5006Fixed a generic error which occurred on adding observer throughout the application.
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SWAT-4331Fixed an error which occurred when closing repository objects create dialog

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
