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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2022.07 versionof version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare that are part of this release.

titleSCL update

Updated SmartComponent Library to Release 11.7 #70241@2022-04-26 UTF-8. Release notes here.

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5529A new dedicated dialog for Copy Object was created.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5636Improved handling of error messages in Object Designer image save
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We’ve made available 4 new methods to the Ribbon object, for hiding/disabling select button children:

Code Block
hideSubitem(itemName, subitemName)

showSubitem(itemName, subitemName)

disableSubitem(itemName, subitemName)

enableSubitem(itemName, subitemName)

itemName and subitemName are the values added in the “Menu structure code“, when creating the select button and its children

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SWAT-5523Custom Fields do not require a form name anymore. Documentation here
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SWAT-5426Tabbar object supports now being a Navigation Target, so it can be linked to a toolbar, for example.
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SWAT-3628Added caching for dynSelect data
by using a new attribute "cacheResults" for dynSelect, default value is FALSE.
  • When set to TRUE, the dynSelect will check if it already made the request for the specified filter
  • If yes, will use the stored result
  • If not, will make the back-end request
When the attribute is set to TRUE, the last result will be cached in memory, on dynSelect level.
When screen is closed, we clear that cached data.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5563The following changes were done for the dynSelect
  • for the dynSelect object we’ve added a new character attribute "emptyValue", default value is empty string
  • you can specify other values like "null" or "undefined" or something else ...
  • on clearSelect or selectionRemoved, the ID of the dynSelect will be set to the value of the emptyValue attribute
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SmartComponent Library to Release 11.7
#70241@2022-04-26 UTF-8
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Now you are able to trigger has changes on a form field:

  • FormFieldObj.setHasChanges(true/false) - setter
  • FormFieldObj.hasChanges() - getter

Code Block
// setting has changes of form fields:



// check has changes of form field


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CLA-67Added FilterGo Method on CLAPI Grid object


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5723Now you are able to use SHIFT + key to enter a text in dynSelects search. Previously, it was prevented.
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SWAT-5686Solved an issue with the behaviour of pressing the ESC key in Modal Messages. ESC behaves now like the Cancel button from the modal.
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SWAT-5654the form.getField method can be now used also to return buttons.
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SWAT-5638Fixed an issue which was preventing the closing of parked windows.
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SWAT-5637Fixed an issue which occurred when SwatDevTools was enabled, causing in Designer the object type attributes not to be displayed.
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SWAT-5582Fixed an error which occurred when using multiple attribute on batch generate dynSelect
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SWAT-5581Fixed nested fieldset field issues in the old designer, which caused an error when launching batch generate dialog.
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SWAT-3982Fixed an issue with resizing the RichText editor, after being minimised.

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
