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We are glad to inform you that the latest 24.3.0 versionof Build.Oneis out. Below is the list of issues that are part of this release.


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
HighestImage Removed SWAT-10243 -


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
HighImage Removed SWAT-10309
HighImage Modified
SWAT-10298Fixed an issue where automatic data imports in standalones were skipping SWAT data and ignoring custom data types
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SWAT-10289Fixed an issue where the subtype of a business entity would be ignored when copying another record in the GetInitialValues call.
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SWAT-10288Set up automatic data import on standalone deployment/update.
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SWAT-10282Added support for default Docker file configurations, so the project-level Dockerfile files are no longer required, if no customizations are required.
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SWAT-10275Enhance Toolbar theming: b1-air theme has grouped panel buttons regardless a toolbar "Attribute style" attribute value
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SWAT-10270Fixed an issue where menu data changes were not available in the repository after an export was triggered.
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SWAT-10248Fixed an issue where generated deployment configs used incorrect images
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SWAT-10245Fixed an issue where data imports triggered from the application would fail with an error.
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SWAT-10241Fixed an error where the database initialization script would fail in CI/CD pipelines.
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SWAT-10237Added backend endpoint for returning a mock definition for a toolbar/ribbon.
HighImage Removed SWAT-10234 -
MediumImage Modified
SWAT-10232Added support for partial incremental imports for faster startup times.
This is enabled through the experimental B1_INCREMENTAL_IMPORTS environment variable.
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SWAT-10231Fixed an issue where the OE ABL extension would display an error on workspace startup.
HighestImage Removed SWAT-10219 -
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HighImage Removed SWAT-
10179Enhanced LayoutPosition selection of object with prompt on change action to swap or remove target object.
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SWAT-10158- Info button has a default cursor when acts as a (HELP) tooltip;
- Info button has a pointer cursor when has an action on click
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SWAT-10141Updated CkEditor 5 to latest version.
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SWAT-10107Added option to auto replace instance with newly created master.
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SWAT-10056- provide theme properties for panel: header border bottom; border-radius
HighImage Removed SWAT-10043 -
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SWAT-9920Generated updated CLAPI docs.
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SWAT-9901Allow opening an object when dbl clicking on the new designer dataview obj list.
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SWAT-9840Adjusted setInterval for saving browser window popup size and position to only run in External Screen only.
MediumImage Removed SWAT-9459 - HighImage Removed SWAT-9408 - HighImage Removed SWAT-9407 -
MediumImage Modified
SWAT-9142Expose fixSize in CLAPI panel.


PriorityKeyBuild.One Release Notes
HighestImage Modified
SWAT-10302Fix toolbar styling issues and selected theme.
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SWAT-10292Fixed an issue with DynSelect value display.
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SWAT-10271Fixed cursor focus being in the wrong position for multi-select inputs.
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SWAT-10257Solved an issue with Attributes form not being loaded in Designer 2.0 and inconsistent selection depending on object type.
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SWAT-10245Fixed an issue where data imports triggered from the application would fail with an error.
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SWAT-10242Fixed issue with dynamic lookup dialog for list item pairs dynselects.
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SWAT-10241Fixed an error where the database initialization script would fail in CI/CD pipelines.
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SWAT-10230Fixed an issue with layout calculation when Toolbar items styling is "grouped".
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SWAT-10181Adjusted form field label, spacing, alignment.
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SWAT-10174Disable sort on User Profile SelfKey field.
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SWAT-10159Remove diagram panel menu button.
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SWAT-10157Fixed 'Delete link' ribbon button not working in the new designer.
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SWAT-10156New designer active tab now persists when reloading the object
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SWAT-10149Allow dragging in the designer dataview from any part of the card: title, text, icon.
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SWAT-10117Fixed issues with positioning on objects in Designer 2.0
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SWAT-10092Launch new action designer on action open.
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SWAT-10091Launch new action designer on action create.
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SWAT-9924Allow grid DynSelect Choose window to set the value in either the grid filter or the grid cell.
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SWAT-9888SwatBusinessEntity objects in the designer can now be replaced by objects of both type SwatBusinessEntity and SwatDataSource.
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SWAT-9853Cards of a CardView widget now support the 'Run' action type in order to call client logic functions.
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SWAT-9489Fixed an issue with grid row cell input not unfocused when using a ribbon or toolbar hotkey.

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
