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The Tabbar control offers support for font-icons and also the possibility to use both font-icons and images in different pages of the Tabbar.

The ‘PageIcon’ attribute on Page level needs to be set in order to specify the font-icon/image.


For Tabbar, the font-icons support the Standard attributes.


The Sidebar control offers support for font-icons and also the possibility to use both font-icons and images in different pages of the Sidebar.

The ‘PageIcon’ attribute on Page level needs to be set in order to specify the font-icon/image.

The Sidebar supports displaying icons in three different templates, using the ‘viewTemplate’ attribute:

  • icons – displays only the icons
  • icons_text_right – displays icon + text
  • icons_text_below – displays the icon and the text below the icon

For Sidebar, the font-icons support the Standard attributes.


The Ribbon control offers support for font-icons, in Buttons and ComboBox.

The ‘iconPath’ attribute on Ribbon level needs to be set for this feature. This attribute defines the handling of icons in the Ribbon. For font-icons the attribute needs to be set to "font:{name}" where {name} is the name of the font used (e.g. "fa" for Font-Awesome). For image files, leave this empty or specify a server-side path where the images are located.

There is currently no support for specifying both font-icons and images in a Ribbon.

For each Button, the icons are set on the corresponding menuStructure, in the ‘MenuSmallImage’ attribute. 


For Ribbon, currently the Standard attributes are not supported.


The Toolbar control offers support for font-icons in Buttons.

The ‘iconPath’ attribute on Toolbar level needs to be set for this feature. This attribute defines the handling of icons in the Ribbon. For font-icons the attribute needs to be set to "font:{name}" where {name} is the name of the font used (e.g. "fa" for Font-Awesome). For image files, leave this empty or specify a server-side path where the images are located.

There is currently no support for specifying both font-icons and images in a Toolbar.

For each Button, the icons are set on the corresponding menuStructure, in the ‘MenuSmallImage’ attribute.


For Toolbar, currently the Standard attributes are not supported.


The Grid control supports font-icons in the Logical columns.

The ‘extendedFormat’ attribute can be set for changing the default icons for logical columns.

The attribute is a pipe-separated list of font-icons: emptyIcon|trueIcon|falseIcon|nullIcon|filterTrueIcon|filterFalseIcon. Every icon is optional. The first four icons refer to the rows cells, the last two icons refer to the column header cells. 


For Grid, the font-icons support the Standard attributes.



The TreeGrid currently offers support for both font-icons and images in its rows. The data comes from the backend and the icons/images will be displayed accordingly, based on the node types.


For ToolbarTreeGrid, currently the Standard attributes are not supported.



The DynSelect control offers support for font-icons in the results list (dropdown).

The ‘templateOptions’ attribute is a pipe-delimited list (img|key|desc) specifying the fields displayed in the results list. The ‘img’ field can either be a BusinessEntity field or a static font-icon.


For dynSelect, the font-icons support the Standard attributes.


The Panel control offers support for font-icons and also the possibility to use both font-icons and images in the Panel Header buttons. The icons are set on the corresponding menuStructure, in the ‘MenuSmallImage’ attribute. They also support the Standard attributes.

The Panel control offers support for font-icons in the floatingActionButton (fabButton). The icons are set on the corresponding menuStructure, in the ‘MenuSmallImage’ attribute. 


For Panel header, the Standard attributes are supported.

For Panel fabButton, currently the Standard attributes are not supported.


The Window control offers support for font-icons in the Window header and Taskbar item.

The ‘icon’ attribute needs to be set in order to display an icon in the Window header and Taskbar. 


For Window, the font-icons support the Standard attributes.

titleStandard attributes rules

CSS attributes, defined like this: icon#attribute1:value1;attribute2:value2

The attributes are specified as a Semicolon-separated-list, just as in HTML

  • fa fa-user#color:red
  • fa fa-user#color:red;font-size:14px;

CSS classes, defined like this: icon#_style:cssClassName1 cssClassName2

The classes are specified as a Space-separated-list, just as in HTML

  • fa fa-user#_style:module_prod
  • fa fa-user#_style:module_offer
  • fa fa-user#_style:module_prod module_offer

This would imply that the CSS classes specified will need to exist in SASS files.

Stacked font-icons, defined like this: icon1$icon2. Both icons also support CSS attributes or CSS classes

  • fas fa-circle$fas fa-flag
  • fas fa-circle#color:red$fas fa-flag#_style:module_offer