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Custom states can be applied on form fields and it's displaying a custom css for each state. 

If the EventOnCustomStateChange the EventOnCustomStateChange is set in designer, than every time the custom state is changed, the event is triggered and you can see the action (set or clear) and the customState that had been added/removed.


namethe name of the custom state (eg. 'alert')
optiona key-value object (eg. {bubbleUp: true})

For the moment, only the bubbleUp is available as option. The bubbleUp option will make the custom state visible also on panel header and window header.

(warning) Notes:

  • the panel header and  window header will not have an <i> tag for the icon. Setting an icon on panel/window will be done on the before/after pseudo-class from css.
  • the bubbleUp option is available only starting with SWAT 20.11 release

Code Block
titleExamples from javascript
// get a field, like the selfdesc field from offerheaderdata form.
var field1 = akioma.root.dynObject.getObject('offerheaderdata').getField('selfdesc');
// add an "alert" custom state to that field
// add a "bg" custom state
// remove the custom state from that field


For styling we use the "akcustomstate" attribute and search if it contains the desired value. Note: the name of the custom state should match the CSS definition (case-sensitive)

Code Block
titleCss for customStates
div[akcustomstate*="alert"] {
    display: inline-flex;
    .custom-icon {
        display: inline-block;
        margin-left: 10px;
        padding-left: 20px;
        position: relative;

        i {
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
            &::before {
                content: "\f071";
                font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Pro';
                font-weight: 900;
                font-style: normal;

div[akcustomstate*="bg"] {
    background-color: gray !important;


Code Block
titleExamples from CLAPI
akioma.osiv.StammDetailOverviewFormAfterDisplay = function (Form) {

  //customState Maskefor alswindow Read-Only setzen.
  const FormHelper = new akioma.osiv.FormHelper(Form);
  FormHelper.ReadOnly = true;

  const field = Form.getField('Stamm_Nr_nachname');
  //Set a customState on sstamm_nr_nachname field

  // Combo-Boxen deaktivieren.
  FormHelper.Field("sex").Enable        = false;
  FormHelper.Field("zivilstand").Enable = false;
  FormHelper.Field("elt_gewalt").Enable = false;

};and panel header
div[akstyle="window"][akcustomstate*="bg"] div.dhxwin_hdr,
.dhx_cell_layout[akcustomstate*="bg"] div.dhx_cell_hdr {
    background-color: gray !important;


Make sure you are using icons from the Font Awesome library version available in the framework. Using icons from another version of Font Awesome might not work.

For CLAPI example, in DetailBasisdatenFormAfterDisplay.ts, function DetailBasisdatenFormAfterDisplay, set the following lines.

Code Block
titleExamples from CLAPI
Form.getField("todes_dat").setCustomState('bg', {bubbleUp: true});
Form.getField("taetigkeit").setCustomState('bg', {bubbleUp: true});

Code Block
titleExample of function called from EventOnCustomStateChange
// in the EventOnCustomStateChange attribute, in Layout Designer, you specify: $ akioma.myFunction(self);
myFunction = function(option) {
    console.log(option.actions, option.customState);