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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2020.01 version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues that were part of this release.SWAT Release 2020.01

titleSCL Update

Updated SCL to Release 11.3 #56787@2020-01-20 UTF-8. Release notes here.



PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-2989Toolbars are using now menuStructure/menuFunction translationsDone
MediumSWAT-2988Added EN/DE translations for all the fabButtons and PanelMenus in the application. Translations are on the menuFunctions.Done
MediumSWAT-2981node AD login information update: SAMAccountDomain was updated to contain the domain name information (the domain) not from userPrinciple.Done
MediumSWAT-2978You can now customise the DocViewer layout (buttons and sidebar) programatically. Documentation here
MediumSWAT-2957Minor improvements for unique fields validationDone
MediumSWAT-2900Updated main JS components to latest stable versions.Done
MediumSWAT-2761Made so improvements to the refresh scheme when external screens were used.Done
MediumSWAT-2558Enhanced the Refresh scheme by adding the RepositionToKey attribute, which is used to specify what field to use from the BE for the reposition. Documentation was updated
MediumSWAT-1854Optimised translations in ribbon controlDone
