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How to setup the DB to be compatible with the SWAT framework

  1. Add the SelfHdl fields to the database:

  2. The following sample runs a Progress client to generate two .DF files in the <DBPath> folder

    Replace the <DBPath> with the path where your database resides.

    Replace the <DBName> with your physical database name

    Replace the <PathTo> with the folder where your Swat framework is

    prowin -rr -db <DBPath>\<DBName> -1 -p <PathTo>\app\ofr-backend\pCrm\src\tools\addSelfHdlToTables.p -T <DBPath> -param "<DBName>"

    This generates a file addSelfHdl_<DBName>.df and addSelfHdl_<DBName>_Idx.df file.


This script generates a Dataset XML file, which contains the tablenames of the database but with extra information for the swat framework.

This data needs to be present in the zTable database table of the SWAT framework. 

RUN Akioma/Swat/Util/ImportTableDefinitionFile.p("D:/temp/target.xml").

Will import the dataset to the database.

3. In the last step generate unique ID's for SelfHdl fields:

RUN Akioma/Swat/Tools/fillselfhdlInitializeRecordIdentifiers.p ("d:/temp/target.xml", "*", "<DBName>").

This script runs through all tables which are defined in the target.xml file and generates for each record a unique ID. This is a character of 36 bytes, example 1ET:a6e06d912fb315bc7114285ef8eb725c

Database changes which need to be synchronized with zTable

The zTable is necessary to assign selfHdl values. So it is necessary to add only new tables to the zTable list.

If you already have generated the target.xml in step 2 you can use this xml file as source.xml.

Generate the new target.xml, which contains synchronized data from the database:

RUN Akioma/Swat/Util/buildTableDefinitionFile.p("D:/temp/source.xml", "D:/temp/target.xml", "<DBName>", ?).

In the next step, import the data definition to the zTable:

RUN Akioma/Swat/Util/ImportTableDefinitionFile.p("D:/temp/target.xml").

If the tables don't have the SelfHdl field, the step 1 is necessary to generate and import the SelfHdl field.

Set up GIT Projects (initialize customer specific projects (GIT > Config, Backend and Webui))

The code repositories for each environment need to be set up after the DB has been setup.

Preferably there should be a dedicated GIT project for each PoC. The initial setup can be done with copying the existing repositories of another PoC environment too though.