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eventOnStateChanged can be added to form fields, container and panel level objects and it responds to state changes like hasChanges, hasErrors (and customStates in a future version).

The event is returning the object that has the changes and in case of a tab(sidebar-item), it’s returning the tabbar(sidebar). Besides that, you can also check the stateData from the object. StateData contains the state, value and action just like in the table below:


the name of the state (eg hasChanges, hasErrors)


the value of the state (eg true/false)


the action is null (in a future version this will be used to specify if the state value was set or cleared (eg set/clear)


Create a new typescript file for example “TestEventOnStateChanged.ts” and add the following code for testing.

Code Block
namespace {
    export function TestEventOnStateChanged(object: any) {
        if (object.type == 'tabbar') {
            object = object.fetchPage(object.currentPageNum);
        if (object.stateData && Object.keys(object.stateData).length !== 0) {
            console.log('The object and stateData', object, object.stateData);