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The PrimaryDOAutorization is now supported for ribbons and toolbars.
For blocks, visibilityRules can be specified on the MenuStructure level and for items it can be defined in the MenuFunction visibilityRules.

The provided list of tokens is handled like any other OpenEdge CAN-DO list.

Code Block
{ "PrimaryDOAuthorization": "CanCreate" }
{ "PrimaryDOAuthorization": "CanDelete" }
{ "PrimaryDOAuthorization": "CanModify" }
{ "PrimaryDOAuthorization": "CanFetch" }
{ "PrimaryDOAuthorization": "CanSaveChanges" }
{ "PrimaryDOAuthorization": "CanCreate,CanDelete,CanModify"Can*" }

It will check for the TABLEIO:SRC, which could be the form, and from that form it will read the DISPLAY or DATA link of that form.
From the BE of the form it will read the catalog SecurityRestrictions and apply the visibiltyRules based on that.
There is one limitation in this version, it only works with one BusinessEntity.


Step 4:
Create a Security Assignment Maintenance new record, new SOT, select the defined records from step 3 


restart PASOE (after each change)
