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  • Formatting was changed.


The ‘extendedFormat’ attribute has the following format: ‘format|groupSep|decSep|maxLength’ maxLength|minVal|maxVal’ (e.g. 0,000.00|’|,|6).

The format must always use as separators the ‘,’ for groups and the ‘.’ for decimals. The format specifies the number of digits in a group and the number of digits for the decimal part. Examples:


  • 0,000.00|-|,|4 - specifying all fields (e.g. 1234,567 -> 1-234,56)
  • 0,000.00|-|,|6 - specifying all fields (e.g. 123421,567 -> 123-421,56)

The minVal and maxVal parameters are optional and it specify the minimum and maximum value accepted for the numeric input.

  • 0,000.00|-|,|4|10|1000 - a number between 10 and 1000


(info) Starting with SWAT Release 2019.22, you can specify the extendedFormat also as a JSON object. The backwards compatibility is kept.

  • {"format":"","groupSep":"","decSep":"","maxLength":"","minVal":"","maxVal":""}

isCurrency attribute

The default currency symbol is the one specified in the PASOE configuration file in the following field: app.sessionData.mainCurrencySymbol
