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Hello there,

We are glad to inform you that the latest 2020.08 version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues that are part of this release.

SCL Update

SCL was updated to Release 11.7 #58616@2020-04-27. Release notes here.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
SWAT-3244SWAT Framework supports now Kinvey collections as an alternative Datasource in the UI. For the moment, only fetching and filtering of Data is supported.

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
SWAT-3246Added custom service for menu function container security, using the security functions from SCL.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
SWAT-3310Checkbox filters in Panel header use now the menuFunction code as ID, instead of label.
SWAT-3306Implemented visibilityRules handling for the panelMenu buttons. Depending on the button type, the security restrictions can be configured from the menuStructure or menuFunctions, visibilityRules attribute. For the moment NotRestricted, Customization and PrimaryDOAuthorization are working.
Two new CLAPI methods are also available: showPanelMenuButton and hidePanelMenuButton, both receiving as parameter the button name (SCL menuFunctionCode/menuStructureCode).
SWAT-3287Added two new CLAPI methods for getting the screen and the top-screen for an object. screen() method returns the inner screen and topScreen() returns the top-screen.
SWAT-2998Added page security restrictions available at container root. In this first phase, it's implemented and used for tab hiding, based on container. The screen definition has now an additional property 'securityRestrictions', which contains security information relating to the tabs.
The tabs are identified by their GUID and contain 2 properties: the rule (a comma-separated list of restrictions) and restricted (a boolean value, which can be either true/false or undefined). The tabs will be hidden if the can-do operation on the list returns false.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
SWAT-3323Added a new function for easy checking or unchecking a checkbox filter attached on the panel header.
Grid:setToggleFilterPanel(panelFilterId, state), where panelFilterId = string - menu function code of the filter, state = boolean - the state that will be set, true or false.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
SWAT-3350For security reasons, prevented pasting images directly into the Richtext editors.
SWAT-3328Fixed a CSS issue for date inputs, causing in some situations, the date picker icon to overlap with the date value.
SWAT-3320Prevented dynSelect events to fire, if the dynSelect is readonly.
SWAT-3312Fixed an issue with the Azure AD login
SWAT-3307Fixed a issue where the layout designer collapsed
SWAT-3300Enhanced the display of the selected value in a dynSelect, trimming the text to fit the available space/width of the dynSelect.
SWAT-3293Added check for dataConnector in FilterGo Query, to prevent errors being triggered when the .dc of the datasource is null.
SWAT-3292Solved some encoding issues in the tab title in header.
SWAT-3291To prevent some use-cases where the behaviour was wrong, the field validation check it's now also triggered by the deleteValidationRule.
SWAT-3228Solved a bug which prevented the dynSelects to be closed when switching to another window or closing the current one.

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
