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The Filter Manager allows the administration of the grid filters. There are two components that form together the Filter Manager.

Filter Manager Screen

In order to set the Filter Manager Screen for a specific Grid, the Grid’s panelMenu attribute needs to have this menuStructure set: gridPanelFilter#NoDropDown. This will set the Filter icon in the Grid panel header.

On click on this icon, the Filter Manager screen will open and will contain a Grid, a Form and a Toolbar. In the Grid the corresponding filters are displayed. When selecting a row in the Grid, the filter details are displayed in the Form.

Using the Toolbar, the user can add/save/setAsDefault/rename/refresh/remove filters.

The following naming will be used further in order to avoid confusion:

  • CallerGrid – The Grid from where the FilterManager was launched
  • FilterGrid  – The Grid inside the FilterManager screen, which contains the filters


AddFilter – This option will add a new filter. The definition for this filter will be automatically set with the existing filters from the CallerGrid.

SaveFilter – The selected filter in the FilterGrid will be saved. Its definition will be automatically set with the existing filters from the Caller Grid.

RenameFilter – The selected filter in the FilterGrid will be renamed. A modal will appear for a new name.

SetAsDefaultFitler – The selected filter in the FilterGrid will be set as default.

RefreshFilters – The FilterGrid will be refreshed

RemoveFilter – The selected filter in the FilterGrid will be removed. If the removed filter is the default one, then there will be no default filter anymore. 

DynSelect Filter in Panel Header

In order to set the DynSelect Filter for a specific Grid, the Grid’s panelMenu attribute needs to have this menuStructure set: gridFilterDynSelect.

The dynSelect filter will have the default filter already set. When opening the dynSelect, the corresponding filters are displayed and on click on an item, the filter will be selected and the Grid automatically filtered.

The dynSelect filter and its dropdown can also be styled using the corresponding classes:

  • dynSelectPanelHeader’ for the actual dynSelect
  • akPanelDynSelectDropdown’ for the dynSelect dropdown

Currently the dynSelect filter will not function independently. The Filter Manager screen needs to be set as well in the panelMenu attribute, for the dynSelect to work.

The old FilterMaintenance menuStructure (filterListBT) should be removed from the Grid panelMenu attribute if the new Filter Manager is also set.

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