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Hello there,

We are glad to inform you that the latest 2020.05 version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues that were part of this release.

SCL update

Updated SCL to Release 11.3 #57762@2020-03-18 UTF-8. Release notes here.


New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
HighSWAT-3129Yo can now specify flags for each struct-node.Done
MediumSWAT-2168Regular expressions definitions can now be used to specify the format of a character field. Documentation here


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-3161The default lifetime for notification messages (from akiomaShowMessage) was set to 0 (always displayed until the user clicks on them) and the Title is now, by default, displayed with bold.Done
MediumSWAT-3159Added support for NotRestricted visibilityRules (SecurityRights:NotRestricted) which hides menu structures based on Smartcomponent Library security tokens and improved performance for visibilityRules handling.Done
MediumSWAT-3157Add security check for ListHead & ListEntry Flag fields that disallow non-developer users from setting it to "System" value, based on the security token "CanSetSystemFlag".Done
MediumSWAT-3151Improved the display of stacked icons in the Sidebar, when using the Dark theme.Done
MediumSWAT-3141In layoutdesigner, changed the label of Type attribute to Layout.Done
MediumSWAT-3139When no main currency symbol is defined, the default is now set to zero.Done
MediumSWAT-3132Improved the display of items inside the sidebars. In some cases, the labels were not visible, next to the icons.Done
MediumSWAT-3131Fixed a layout issue in the Dark theme. The label for big menu items, in the ribbon, didn't fit into the reserved area.Done
MediumSWAT-3127The root node is now expanded in the Layoutdesigner only when loading an object.Done
MediumSWAT-3115The info attribute (tooltip) for inputs, checkboxes, dynSelects and date fields (calendar) are available on UI. You can define a custom action in the newly created eventOnInfoSelected attribute, which will be triggered on-click event on the question mark displayed next to the object.Done


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
HighSWAT-3134Updated the interface for importing labelsDone
HighestSWAT-2958Tenant creation is now available from the applicationDone
LowSWAT-2898Cleaned-up node-main configuration files of unused properties.Done


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumSWAT-3168Fixed a CSS active class issue in the grouped task bar items.Done
MediumSWAT-3164Solved an issue in the layout designer, causing the data from the links tab not to be cleared and showing wrong data.Done
MediumSWAT-3163Fixed a grid batching bug reported when the user reached the end of data.Done
MediumSWAT-3156Solved an issue with JSDO store when batching in grid.Done
MediumSWAT-3152Solved an issue in the ListHeadMaintenanceWindow: ListHead & ListEntry, where the selected value for the flag wasn't always saved.Done
MediumSWAT-3138Solved an issue that appeared when launching a frame master in layout designer from the attributes and causing the designer tab to be disabled.Done
MediumSWAT-3137Solved an issue in the layout designer, instances tab, causing the incorrect save of the 'Is Inherited' property value for attributes.Done
MediumSWAT-3133Solved an issue in the taskbar item title, when no BE source on container was defined.Done
MediumSWAT-3124Solved an issue in the DocViewer causing the document preview tab not to be cleared/refreshed when switching between records in grid.Done
MediumSWAT-3110Improved performance when closing an offerw screen.Done
MediumSWAT-3065Solved an issue which was causing wrong details to be displayed when switching groups in taskbars and added lastActive on Group level.Done
MediumSWAT-3051Improved the Omnisearch behaviour and fixed some known bugs.Done
HighSWAT-3023Solved an issue causing after cancelling a task by answering a warning message with NO, the warning message reappeared also after triggering the saving action.Done

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
