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Hello there,

We are glad to inform you that the latest 2020.05 version of the Offer Application is out. Below is the list of issues that were part of this release.



PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumOFFER-706Excel-Template for export of offers are now available.Done
HighOFFER-698Using the Options field from the Printing dialog, you can specify a fallback language for the printed offer (eg: Fallbacklang=EN)Done

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
MediumOFFER-753When exporting to Word, if the struct.flag field is set to "excludeFromWord" for a struct-node, then that node is skipped, and also its children.Done
HighOFFER-636Added support for CostGroups and offer summariesDone


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
HighOFFER-798Updated type and parent fields for margin summariesDone
MediumOFFER-796Now, you can select an image from the Fileselect-Dialog by double-clicking on the image, not only by pressing the OK button from the toolbar.Done
MediumOFFER-795Changed the order of summariesDone
HighOFFER-791When approving/denying an offer, is it mandatory to specify notes for the action. The added notes is visible in the Offer Text tab, Text-Type "Freigabe-Infos", and a history of the notes is kept.Done
MediumOFFER-790Improved filtering in the offer summary grid: limited the available options, to only valid ones, for the "Typ" column-filter the dynselectDone
HighOFFER-789In offer summary grid, you can filter now in the Typ column by multiple values.Done
MediumOFFER-785Added missing translate fields to DocX export.Done
HighOFFER-778Improvements in the layout of offer header formDone
HighOFFER-774Increased character limit for label keyDone
MediumOFFER-768Removed unnecessary summary calculation logicDone
MediumOFFER-767Improved layout for quantity unit data and screens.Done
MediumOFFER-765Allow psAdmin and axadmin to see production costsDone
HighOFFER-764Updated desktop security restrictions, so that specific desktops are available only for admin-role users.Done
MediumOFFER-762Updated exchange rate for USD in base dataDone
MediumOFFER-759Enhanced the offer approval desktop, by replacing the OfferPricingForecast form with the summaries.Done
HighOFFER-729The log file was cleaned-up for better readability, keeping only important and relevant messages.Done
HighestOFFER-710The label of the default currency is now configurableDone


PriorityKeyAkioma Release NotesStatus
HighOFFER-787Fixed an issue causing the address of customer/contact not to be included in the word export.Done
HighestOFFER-786Fixed an issue causing incorrect price summaries calculation.Done
MediumOFFER-782Fixed an issue causing an error to be thrown in the screen for maintaining business Rules "businessProcessW".Done
HighestOFFER-781Fixed an issue which was throwing an error in the screen for maintaining business Rules "businessRuleW".Done
HighOFFER-773Fixed inconsistencies in price handlingDone
MediumOFFER-770Fixed an issue related to visibilityRules for ribbon blocks when on root node in tree grid.Done
HighOFFER-763Fixed an issue where updating users via import cleared their passwordDone
HighestOFFER-758Fixed an issue causing the application to freeze when printing an offerDone

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
