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This grid example will add 2 panel messages on Versicherte init. The first one is a warning, and the second one an info, after 3 seconds will delete the panel message with id = 0 and after 3 more seconds will clear all panel messages.

Grid example
export function VersicherteOnInit (grid: akioma.swat.Grid) {
    if (grid.controller) {
          text: 'Something might be wrong!',
          type: 'warning'
          text: 'An info message',
          type: 'info'

        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 3000);
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 6000);


This form example is executed after displaying the StammDetailOverviewForm. This will clear all panel messages from this form and then add a success message and an info message.

The info message is using the handlebars template to display the name and vorname. On clicking on a Versicherte field, those names will update.

Form example
akioma.osiv.StammDetailOverviewFormAfterDisplay = function (Form) {

  if (Form.controller) {
      text: 'Operation is done!',
      type: 'success'
      text: 'Fullname is: {{stamm_nr_nachname}} {{vorname}}',
      type: 'info'
  // Maske als Read-Only setzen.
  const FormHelper = new akioma.osiv.FormHelper(Form);
  FormHelper.ReadOnly = true;

  // Combo-Boxen deaktivieren.
  FormHelper.Field("sex").Enable = false;
  FormHelper.Field("zivilstand").Enable = false;
  FormHelper.Field("elt_gewalt").Enable = false;



This window example is executed on main window init. It's adding an error message after 3 seconds and after 1 more second it clear all messages.

Window example
akioma.buildMainLayoutTabs = function (self) {
  if (self.controller) {
    setTimeout(()=> {
        text: 'An new message',
        type: 'error'
    }, 3000)
	setTimeout(()=> {
  	}, 5000)


This is not the whole content of the buildMainLayoutTabs function.

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