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Hello there,

We are glad to inform you that the latest 2020.07 versionof theOffer Application is out. Below is the list of issues thatare part of this release.

SWAT Release 2020.07


Priority Key Akioma Release Notes
Medium OFFER-899 Updated group summaries
Medium OFFER-897 Improvements to the offer summary calculation screen
Highest OFFER-895 Fixed an issue with the summary calculation
Medium OFFER-894 Enabled image control in product maintenance screen.
Medium OFFER-880 Added reload button in ribbon "offer"
Medium OFFER-866 Added column "Erfolgstatus" / "Success status" to the grid in "Artikel in Angeboten" / "Articles in Offers".
Medium OFFER-802 It's now possible to select multiple roles for a user. The User Groups dynSelect, from the users maintenance scree (profile), allows now multiple select.


Priority Key Akioma Release Notes
Highest OFFER-902 Solved an issue causing the translation management screen not to be launched.
Medium OFFER-893 Disabled filtering and sorting on group description column in text desktop TxtMod grid
High OFFER-887 Fixed an issue when importing data
High OFFER-885 Deleted the "characteristics" in the ribbon "variants"
Medium OFFER-870 Solved an issue which appeared on GetSalesPrice call, causing it to fail, when no eSalesItem record is available.
High OFFER-843 The 'Kalkulation' tab in offer group posframes is now removed.
High OFFER-828 Fixed an issue with the upload screen

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
