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We are glad to inform you that the latest 2022.02 versionof version of the SWAT Framework is out. Below is the list of issues thatare that are part of this release.

New Features

PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5325A new playground light theme is available.


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5385Improved dark and light themes
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SWAT-5207Required validation rule and required attribute are now synchronised
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SWAT-5059Introduced a new currentValueNative variable, which returns the native value of objects: numeric for inputnum, id for dynSelect and so on. The already existing currentValue remains as it is, for backwards compatibility.
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SWAT-4710Fixed an issue on date range filter focus using Tab
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SWAT-3504Enhanced dynSelect object handling for showing/hiding footer items
. Now we support the following attributes/methods in client logic:
  • typedValue - the value you typed
  • getResultsCount() - returns the number of results in the results list
  • showFooterItem() - show a footer item by the css class. eg. "showFooterItem('footer-add')"
  • hideFooterItem() - hide a footer item by the css class. eg. "hideFooterItem('footer-add')"
And the

The following events are also available:
  • EventAfterKeyPress - triggered after a key is pressed.
  • EventAfterSearchResultDisplay - triggered after the result list is displayed in the
  • dynSelect.
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SWAT-3004New taskbar object is available. See documentation here:


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5332Added back the missing "Change password" functionality in the User desktop, plus some enhancements to the change password window and functionality.
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SWAT-5308Improved Google Maps control error handling
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SWAT-5112Added support for frame - diagram USER 1 links
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SWAT-4862Sidebar control documentation was updated:


PriorityKeyAkioma Release Notes
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SWAT-5404Fixed an issue when updating taskbar group item Vuex mutation
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SWAT-5401Fixed an issue when calling taskbar Vuex getter, getActiveItem method
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SWAT-5383Fixed an issue when trying to delete a column
separator in the form designer
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SWAT-5370Fixed an issue where eventAfterDisplay was triggered twice
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SWAT-5280Now is possible to have multiple instances of the form designer.
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SWAT-3910Fixed launchContainer repositionTo null handling

Looking forward to hear your feedback.
